As summer approaches so do all the barbecues, picnics and just plain, old hot summer days. And when the temperature starts to rise, a lot of people want to eat more salad and veggie side dishes. But what they don’t realize is that they could be sabotaging all their hard work they have done to gear up for bathing suit season. You see, not all summer side dishes are created equal. Some are very healthy and make for an excellent choice, while others are basically a calorie and fat trap waiting to happen.
When preparing common summer side dishes use these helpful tips:
- Make your potato salad with olive oil and vinegar vs. full-fat mayonnaise. Choose red potatoes and do not remove the skin. The added fiber from the skin will help keep you fuller longer. Also try adding some mustard (personally love spicy) and cutting back on the amount of oil you would use.
- Pass on the mayo too with coleslaw, unless you wish to make with low-fat mayo or non-fat/low-fat greek yogurt (can use for potato salad as well). Try flavoring with vinegar and horseradish for something new.