Jul 15, 2012 | Uncategorized
At the recent Food For Your Whole Life health symposium in New York City, I caught up with Keri Gans, registered dietitian and author of The Small Change Diet. The book was inspired by her work with patients and based on the philosophy that diets don’t work....
Jul 15, 2012 | Uncategorized
One of the hardest challenges dieters face is dining out and being social—without sabotaging their weight loss. Believe it or not, you can eat out 365 days a year and still maintain a healthy body weight. It all comes down to the choices you make—like watching portion...
Jun 21, 2012 | Uncategorized
Whole, 2 percent, 1 percent, fat-free, soy, rice, almond, coconut, hemp, and let’s not forget goat’s! Store shelves are lined with more milks of varying sources than ever before. So, which is the healthiest? Keri Gans R.D., the author of “The Small...
Jun 17, 2012 | Uncategorized
…Before you head to a bar or club, registered dietitian Keri Gans says it’s important not to skip meals, and advisable to have a snack. She suggests an individual serving of cheese, piece of fruit, an ounce of nuts or low-fat Greek yogurt with berries. “You want...
Jun 13, 2012 | Uncategorized
This time of year, who wants to count calories or go on a diet? But you can keep your weight steady or even drop a few pounds without any special effort. Yes, really. We’ve tapped some of the nation’s top health and fitness gurus (plus real women who have done it) for...