Aug 1, 2011 | Uncategorized
If you believe the latest headlines, eating too much of a good thing too often may help you lose weight. Researchers from the University of Buffalo found that eating the same meal day in and day out may habituate you to the food and help you cut back on calories,...
Jul 28, 2011 | Uncategorized
The golden arches are about to undergo a healthy makeover. Beginning in September, McDonald’s will begin rolling out a new, more nutritious Happy Meal. All kids’ combos will automatically include 1/4 cup of apples (half a serving) and a smaller serving of french...
Jul 20, 2011 | Uncategorized
WATERMELON Packed with vitamin C, which repairs and firms the skin, watermelon is also full of its namesake: Water. Hence, it’s an ideal way to stay hydrated during the heat. But eating it comes with a cautionary note, warns Keri Gans, a Manhattan-based registered...