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AND it’s a New year. As I wrote in my last newsletter, not everything about YOU needs to be NEW in 2022. The idea that new changes MUST be made in order for you to be a better version of yourself encompasses a very old concept in my opinion. Sure, perhaps some positive changes are needed, hey, we’re human. But remember you can make changes ANY time of the year. SO let’s all lighten up a bit, and try to coast into this new year rather than stampeding! Who’s with me?

In this week’s the Keri Report:

  • Can Vitamins Help You Lose Weight? Here’s What Experts Say
  • What Amount Of Probiotics Do You Need Per Day? Your Dosage Q’s Answered
  • Grapefruit can interfere with your medications — here’s what you need to know

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Can Vitamins Help You Lose Weight, Here’s What Experts SayPrevention Magazine

The pursuit of a silver bullet appears to be human nature, hence the title of this article. Personally, I am always glad when I am asked to chime in. You might see some of the experts answer the question a tad differently than I – please let me know whose answers resonated more with you.

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What Amount Of Probiotics Do You Need Per Day? Your Dosage Q’s AnsweredMind, Body, Green

You know I might be all about postbiotics these days but I thought it couldn’t hurt to share answers to important probiotic questions. This article by Mind, Body, Green is a really good probiotic 101 explainer and highly suggest reading it for those at all considering supplementation.

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Grapefruit can interfere with your medications — here’s what you need to know Yahoo! life

I have always found this to be a very important topic and one that many people don’t have their facts straight. If YOU, or any one you might know, is on various medications this is a must read!!!


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Keri Gans