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Taking a vacation this week with the family. You’ve probably heard this before; however, I think it bears repeating: “No one on their deathbed ever said, ‘I wish I’d spent more time at work’.” Truthfully, it is going to be VERY hard for me to disconnect and not constantly check my phone, but I am definitely going to give it the old college try. Wish me luck!!!!


In this week’s the Keri Report:

  • Swapping Salt for a Substitute May Reduce Risk of Heart Attack or Stroke, Research Finds
  • Nutritionist’s Top Farmer’s Market Picks
  • 11 Best Diets for Weight Loss in 2022, According to Experts

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Swapping Salt for a Substitute May Reduce Risk of Heart Attack or Stroke, Research Finds – Prevention Magazine

Ever been told by your doctor to lower your salt intake? Ever wonder how to do it and not feel tortured? Lots of people have heard about salt substitutes, but are they actually a good choice? What else could you do? A new study helps to bring this conversation to the forefront. Read on…

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Nutritionist’s Top Farmer’s Market PicksU.S. News Eat + Run Blog

Honestly, wish I had gotten this story to you earlier in the summer season. But as they say, better late than never!! The good news, for many of us, is that farmer’s markets are no longer only a thing of the summer. Farmer’s markets are available year-round filled with goodness. Find out some of the things I think you should check-out!

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11 Best Diets for Weight Loss in 2022, According to ExpertsPrevention Magazine

WAIT A MINUTE – is this an article that mentions weight loss and diets in the same sentence and is NOT taboo!! You betcha!! This article, thank to Prevention Magazine, really is helpful for those individuals who want to lose weight in a healthy manner. It is also talks about some of the trendy diets and why they might be a wise choice, OR why they would NOT be! Don’t miss out…


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Keri Gans