Photo by Michael Falco

When I first starting dating my husband he was embarrassed when I ordered in a restaurant. He thought I asked too many questions and made too many special requests. Fast forward a zillion years later (obviously he married me anyway) and we both have softened. I have become more chill with my ordering and he now orders all his dressings on the side! But don’t get me wrong – I still make some special requests. As I often tell my patients, never feel funny ordering a dish the way you want it. The worse thing that could happen is the restaurant refuses and you don’t return again. OR you end up still enjoying your meal and accepting the things you cannot change. I vote for the later!

In this week’s The Keri Report:

  • You Ask, I Answer: “Should I always have a snack before I dine out?
  • 5 Thinks That Might Happen To Your Body When You Give Up Dairy
  • 9 Foods You Should Avoid Eating For Lunch

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You Ask, I Answer: “When is the BEST time to exercise?”

Ummmm, the time you will actually GO!

Believe it or not I do get asked this question quite a lot. And I always give the same response. Personally, I go to yoga in the morning and that’s because I am a morning person. I have found that if I don’t practice by noon it is most likely not going to happen.

However, on the other hand, I have many patients who cannot get up in the morning. Getting to work is a biggest enough chore without adding exercise to it. So hitting the gym (or whatever activity they choose) after 6pm is much more doable.

I know this question comes up for many from their curiosity of when they will burn more calories. But truth be told, at the end of the day what does it really matter, the difference is minuscule. What matters is that you showed up to begin with – whatever time that is!

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5 Things That Might Happen To Your Body When You Give Up DairyHealth Magazine

“You don’t need to eliminate an entire food group unless there’s a legitimate reason” per me in Health Magazine. So if your reason is because a celebrity did it or a friend of a friend said you should, I might rethink your reasoning! Now, if you are having legitimate symptoms, like bloating or constipation, you might want to look into it but not until you have reviewed all the facts. Read on my friends!

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9 Foods You Should Avoid Eating For Lunch  Men’s Health

Avoid? Ouch! Might seem a little harsh in my opinion. However, there are definitely smart, easy ways to make your lunch healthier. Will admit I don’t 100% agree with this entire article’s picks – such as no mayo (What? How am I going to enjoy my tuna salad? Trust me I don’t use a lot!) or diet soda (Science does NOT conclusively support this theory that people overcompensate by excessively eating foods high in calories, sugar, and salt,!) Make sure to check out suggestions numbers seven and eight — they just happen to come from me 🙂










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