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Can’t believe this is the week before Labor Day!!! Another summer has flown by. My father always told me that the older we get, the faster time flies – one of his many words of wisdom! May this serve as gentle reminder that the more you procrastinate with your health goals, or any goal for that matter, you are simply wasting precious time!!!


In this week’s the Keri Report:

  • 15 Low-Carb Vegetables Registered Dietitians Love
  • Collagen Peptides Benefits: What You Need to Know
  • I Tried the New Impossible Chicken Patties and These Are My Honest Thoughts=

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15 Low-Carb Vegetables Registered Dietitians Love –  Good Housekeeping Magazine

For starters let me be clear – almost ALL veggies are technically low in carbs – AND, personally I haven’t met a veggie that I didn’t love to recommend. Be that as it may, this is a very good article to remind us all of the many reasons why we should be eating our vegetables daily – ANY vegetable!

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Collagen Peptides Benefits: What You Need to Know –

Ahhhh, to take collagen or not – that seems to be a very big question at the moment. Preliminary research shows promise in many areas, but perhaps not convincing enough for all to jump on the band wagon. I think it is still one of those supplements in the grey area – will probably not do any harm, but also might not do all that you hope for. I chat a little more on my podcast about collagen in my season 2’s finale here.

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I Tried the New Impossible Chicken Patties and These Are My Honest ThoughtsPrevention Magazine

SO – honest thoughts are from the journalist, not I. I only comment on the nutrition of the patties, which I have not tried as of yet. Putting taste aside there maybe reasons to try the patties, but as with any plant-based alternative you should be clear on your why. Read on…


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Keri Gans