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Tis the official season of pumpkin, and guess what, I hate the taste! Now don’t get me wrong, pumpkin is packed with nutrients and can be a very healthy choice (sans of course the pie, Starbucks pumpkin anything, most pumpkin muffins/breads, etc.)! So, pumpkin up if you must, but also feel A OK if you are taking a pass – I know I am!


In this week’s the Keri Report:

  • Study: Eating Late Can Determine How Hungry You Are Later
  • The FDA Is Revisiting Its Definition of ‘Healthy’ Food
  • Oat Milk vs. Almond Milk: Which Is Healthier? Dietitians Weigh In

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Study: Eating Late Can Determine How Hungry You Are Later  Prevention Magazine

Ever notice the longer you wait to eat that sometimes you just can’t get full? Well, maybe there is a reason for that! And, maybe there is also something you can do about it. Thank you Prevention Magazine for reporting on this study and asking me to chime in!

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The FDA Is Revisiting Its Definition of ‘Healthy’ FoodPrevention Magazine

This has been a long time in coming! AND yet, still rather hard to define “healthy”! One thing I know for sure is that healthy fats DO need to be part of the positive conversation. But even more so……we need to get the average person to even read food labels to begin with.

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Oat Milk vs. Almond Milk: Which Is Healthier? Dietitians Weigh InGood Housekeeping Magazine

Oat milk, almond milk, coconut milk, walnut milk, etc., etc…… there are SO many plant-based milks out there it could make your head spin. However, thank you to GH Magazine for keeping it simple – at least for now – and only chatting about two of the most popular – oat vs. almond. Who’s the winner? Read on…


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Keri Gans