Summer Staple: Frozen Yogurt

Why it’s bad: Though frozen yogurt contains live and active cultures that contribute to gut health, calories can add up quickly if you choose any size bigger than a small. And once you figure in all the toppings, you may as well have gone with ice cream, says Keri Gans, registered dietician and author of “The Small Change Diet.” (Discover the biggest frozen yogurt nightmares.)

Autumn adjustment: Forgo the froyo. Dress up a 6-ounce container of low-fat plain Greek yogurt with fresh apple slices or pureed pumpkin with a teaspoon of honey. The protein-packed snack will keep you full for hours.

Summer Staple: Vacation

Why it’s bad: Those weekend road trips are good for your soul – but they may bad for your body, Gans says. The combination of skimping on exercise and indulging in rich foods spells trouble.

Autumn adjustment: If you have the chance to get away, take it (we’re not Scrooge, after all). But pack your sneakers and gym clothes as motivation to keep moving while away from home.

Summer Staple: Sugary Drinks

Why it’s bad: You probably know by now that sipping a mojito or margarita can rack up as many calories as a drive-thru cheeseburger. You may not realize, however, that you’re doing double the damage when you drink them during the summer, says Jennifer Hanes, MD, a Texas-based doctor who recently lost 70 pounds. Warm weather tends to leave people somewhat dehydrated, which hinders the body’s ability to burn fat; alcohol’s diuretic effect dries you out even more.

Read the full article here.

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