The Keri Report Newsletter

What is the Galveston Diet?

What is the Galveston Diet?

Fall is now in full bloom - and everybody is, more or less, back to their regular pre-summer routines! Question is, how's that going? So many of us treat September as the new January, making all types of big health goals that we may not succeed in. My advice - take a...

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Goodbye Summer!

Goodbye Summer!

Can't believe this is the week before Labor Day!!! Another summer has flown by. My father always told me that the older we get, the faster time flies - one of his many words of wisdom! May this serve as gentle reminder that the more you procrastinate with your health...

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What is the NO-sugar diet?

What is the NO-sugar diet?

Taking a vacation this week with the family. You've probably heard this before; however, I think it bears repeating: "No one on their deathbed ever said, ‘I wish I’d spent more time at work’." Truthfully, it is going to be VERY hard for me to disconnect and not...

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What is the NO-sugar diet?

What is the NO-sugar diet?

Ever think what a change of perspective could do, especially when feeling stuck? Whether it be with your job, relationship, or health goals - a simple shift of mindset might make all the difference. Now, I'm not necessarily recommending that you start standing on...

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What is the ‘healthy coke’ trend?

What is the ‘healthy coke’ trend?

"Never, say never!" I recently spent time in the Catskill Mountains with some friends and went for a beer tasting. YEP, you read that right - BEER! This die-hard martini loving gal stepped out of her cocktail comfort zone and actually found out she enjoys beer. Not...

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How Much Vitamin D Do You Really Need?

How Much Vitamin D Do You Really Need?

Thought it would be a good time to remind everyone that ordering take-out doesn't not have to be a disaster. AND, to remind everyone that sometimes it is just what the doctor ordered. You want it - enjoy it. My go to for Chinese food is: egg drop soup, broccoli and...

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What is Reversed Dieting?

What is Reversed Dieting?

Loved this sign in a local playground near my grandkids; YES, we don't want our children hurting themselves while playing. BUT, it also got me thinking on a larger scale. Sometimes, it is better to NOT play it safe, even for our kids. Taking chances that might create...

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Is Oatmeal Good For Weight Loss?

Is Oatmeal Good For Weight Loss?

Happy Tuesday! Hope everyone's week is off to a good start! It's starting to warm up out there - at least in NYC. Try and get outside -  fresh air always does us some good! (Even though Hubby says: "How is NYC air fresh?" 🤦🏻‍♀️) xo...

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Spring Cleaning

Spring Cleaning

In case you are thinking of doing a spring cleanse - DON'T. Hey, if you want to clean out your cupboards, spice rack, closet or even make-up brushes (that's a reminder to me!) - GO FOR IT! But your body, in the form of a detox/cleanse, there is NO need for that. Our...

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What Is Potato Milk?

What Is Potato Milk?

Daylight savings time! THANK YOU. Don't know about anyone else but moving those clocks forward makes me happy each and every year!! Ohhhhh, the little things in life.... In this week's the Keri Report: Eating a Wider Variety of Protein May Lower Risk of High Blood...

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